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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da Beorg Ven Feb 12, 2010 7:00 am

Qui dis eguito posto i primi rumors tratti da Tilea riguardanti i Re dei sepolcri.

Non morti:

la regola rimane uguale,ma,similmente alla banshee, ora potrebbero resistere e tirare con gli archi.


RImane pressapoco simile, ma con i seguenti mutamenti:

L'incanto di risveglio riporta in vita d6/2d6 modelli/ferite (immagino in base all'unità su cui lo lanci).
I principi dei sepolcri hanno raggio 6 come lo re.
I conti ed i Re hanno modo di generare dadi disperione e dadi "energia" (qui non capisco bene che intende con abilità dispersive per il giocatore).

Maledizione del re, arriva dal basso e non morti rimangono le stesse (niente principe che fa marciare stile vampiri insomma).

Arca delle anime:
Diversi incanti stile calderone,ma resta il sistema di lancio attuale, anche senza linee di vista e simili.
Un incanto ridà d3 ferite a ogni unità alleata sul campo.
Un incanto simile a quello di ora (danni insomma).
Un incanto muove in avanti d3 unità (POTENTE!!!)
Da un TS a lei e ai suoi serventi (compreso il mago).

Principino dei sepolcri:
Forza 5
Se lo schieri ed è generale puoi prendere una unità di carri come truppa.
Può essere BSB!!!

Nuovo nome attualmente sconosciuto
Può portare o meno lo stendardo.
Può andare su cavallo o carro.
Nessun tipo di magia.
AC5,fo4,re4,3 attacchi.

Indossano di base l'armatura leggera e sono calati di un punto.

cavalleria leggera:
Possono avere armatura leggera
Possono avere lancia e scudo

Cavalleria pesante: sparita, tolta, annullata, forse addirittura uccisa.

Guardia del sepolcro:
9 pt/modello


più costoso, sui 100pt

Gigante d''ossa:
Diversi equipaggiamenti stile warhammer cronichles (quindi grande arma,arco gigante e non ricordo che altro)

tutti i modelli oclpiti automaticamente senza 4+ (stica).

Messaggi : 3451
Data d'iscrizione : 06.02.10
Età : 46
Località : Terra Nascosta

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Re: Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da Dirk41 Dom Feb 14, 2010 11:47 pm

Sbaaaaaaavvvvv cheers

Messaggi : 273
Data d'iscrizione : 07.02.10
Età : 36
Località : Crevalcore(BO)

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Re: Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da Gaahl Lun Feb 15, 2010 12:00 am

A parte gli Usha e gli scorpioni per ora mi sembrano modifiche cmq marginali che portano a un bilanciamento più alla pari rispetto agli altri eserciti, forse anche l'arca è stata migliorata...cmq mi sembra che ci sara da aspettare ancora un po per qualcosa di sicuro.

Messaggi : 1965
Data d'iscrizione : 06.02.10
Età : 34
Località : Passo Teschio

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Re: Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da Beorg Lun Feb 15, 2010 7:18 am

La cosa più bella che abbiano fatto è l'eliminazione della cavalleria pesante se è vero, l'unica cosa a cui poteva servire era il riempire il codex con qualche riga di bg e basta.

Messaggi : 3451
Data d'iscrizione : 06.02.10
Età : 46
Località : Terra Nascosta

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Re: Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da DorWal Lun Feb 15, 2010 4:36 pm

C'è chi dice che forse cambieranno la magia...... sono preoccupato Neutral .....

Messaggi : 2120
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.10
Età : 36

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Re: Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da Beorg Dom Mag 23, 2010 5:24 am

Si ricomincia a pararne, ecco le ultime:


New rules:

Skeleton Units (Archers, Warriors, Chariots, Light Cavalry, Sand Stalkers, Tomb Guard) can march within 12” of general, 6” of Tomb Prince

Constructs, divinely blessed (Ushbati, Tomb Scorpion, Maidens of the Gods, Bone Giants) can march within 12” of the hierophant and 6” of a liche priest

Tomb Prince cannot use movement spell anymore, only strike more one

Premise seems to be basically means tomb king armies movement won’t be so restricted by magic. So if you don’t want to go magic heavy, or first anti-magic armies you can still actually move. This means more spells going off to strategically place units, heal wounded models. The actual mechanisms of TK magic doesn’t seem to be changing much

Apparently the “curse” will hit lighter with tomb princes

Apparently the “roc” is a giant vulture, which can be chosen as a mount for someone in list

Rumours of some sort of warrior priest, like the empire ones – can cast cheap bound spells from a different list. Meant to enhance units + decent profile. Apparently enhances the maidens unit


Skeleton Warriors

Skeletons becoming 6 points WITH light armour, shield, hand weapon

Can be armed with a Khepesh or spear

Khepesh increases the bonus from wielding a hand weapon and shield to +2 Armour save. Basically skeletons using hand weapons and shield can get 3+ armour save in combat

Full Command now only +15 points

Seems like games-workshop wants 1. Some tasty new things to model – although not sure why this weapon gives better armour 2. Actually promote using large blocks of skeletons. Skeletons are great since they never flee, but die so easily and suck at combat. 3+ armour save in combat is a great start for using these guys more, at much cheaper points.

Skeletons Archers

Skeleton Archers are now 0-20 units, cost 7 points, and can be giving poisoned arrows for a large points increase

Skeleton Archers have war memories ability (don’t think it is actually called this, but I’m going to call it that)

Skeleton Archers may select the “stand and shoot” reaction, even though undead can generally only select the hold reaction

Toning down use of these guys are large blocks on infantry and more at flankers, skirmish hunters. Bout time they can stand and shoot

Light Cavalry

Light Cavalry only 12 points now and have war memories ability

Light cavalry may select the “flee reaction” even though undead can generally only select the “hold reaction”. They automatically rally after making a flee reaction next turn.

This seems a bit, dunno if it makes sense, maybe it actually means something else

Haven’t heard anything definite about whats happens to heavy cavalry


No change it seems generally – still light flanking units

Tomb Guard

Can take either great weapons OR hand weapon, shield and Khepesh
Same rules otherwise – apparently mebbe an extra bonus when the tomb king is in the unit

Maidens of the Gods

Unit of Khalida’s. 2 Attacks, poison, regenerate, 5+ ward save, 2 hand weapons
Only strength 3, toughness 4 though.

Basically mass attacking special unit vs hard hitting tomb guard unit it seems. Good against lightly armoured armies?


4+ Armor save, 5+ ward save, otherwise same. Would’ve liked toughness 5, seems GW wants to emphasise low toughness, light armour in the army still

Tomb Scorpion

NOT getting 5 wounds, slight points increase, seems liche priest in the scorpions body means it can always march – which is good since there doesn’t seem any rule change for the “from below”


Same it seems – doesn’t look like the roc (giant vulture) can be added, its in the mount section it seems

Sand Stalkers

Scouting Skeletons, poisoned weapons and bows, 4+ save against shooting (mirage or something – desert sands or something I dunno), war memories (stand and shoot)

Thought carrion and scorpions did a pretty good job, I still like the concept


Bone Giant

Cheaper, 2+ armor save (can take shield for 1+), two hand weapons or a bow

More like 200 points now – 1+ doesn’t seem like “lightly armoured” but oh well

Screaming Skull Catapults


Casket of Souls

3 Abilities:

1. Old shooting attack at one unit
2. Soul Well: Elect a point in line of sight – that point causes terror till the beginning of next tomb king players go
3. Malediction of the Eternal: Unit Cannot shoot, if it fails ld test cannot move either
Still causes terror, -1 to wizards on battlefield

Obelisk of Light

3 Abilities

1. Ward of the Gods: gives 5+ ward save to a unit
2. Radiance of the Heavens: gives a unit +1 attack with magical, flaming attacks
3. Light of the Sky: Units must pass leadership test to direct magical missiles, shooting at unit

+1 to incantation rolls of the priest directing obelisk


May fly, magical breath attack, 4 wounds, only strength 5, 5+ ward save, magical resistance (2), units need to pass leadership test or be unable to attack it – transfixing or something

This all clearly needs to be taken with a grain of salt, but apparently this is the general gist of how the list is going. Still haven’t heard heaps about some crucial things

1. Will heavy chariots appear
2. Magic items
3. Is the magic phase definitely going to be the same system
4. If auto-break is been changed in 8th edition, how much will it impact on an army that often relied on this to be effective.

I’m not going into what I heard about special characters but the general themes seemed to be:

1. Dude on a flying chariot
2. Assassin hunting down those who wronged the TK – swore to the gods to hunt them down – something about nagash
3. Stretta and Khalida are back
4. High Liche Priest riding giant flaming vulture from the underworld"

Messaggi : 3451
Data d'iscrizione : 06.02.10
Età : 46
Località : Terra Nascosta

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Re: Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da DorWal Dom Mag 23, 2010 11:32 am

Ma prima o poi li faranno uscire o andiamo avanti a pane e rumos?

Messaggi : 2120
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.10
Età : 36

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Re: Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da Beorg Lun Mag 24, 2010 4:39 am

Bo? Sentida Cavatore Smile

Messaggi : 3451
Data d'iscrizione : 06.02.10
Età : 46
Località : Terra Nascosta

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Re: Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da Dirk41 Mar Mag 25, 2010 11:19 pm

Tomb king/prince: s5. new mounts - a giant carrion called a rock, a royal chariot (heavy chariot with bells), and a construct (skelebeast style thing). special curses available.
Liche priest: new incantation rules. lesser priests can be taken in units. rip-style stuff.
Icon bearer: a tomb guard hero, with a bsb that gives -1 to crumble within 12". gets a special incantation from his banner.
Shawabti: construct hero. counts as lesser priest.

Skeleton warriors: come with bows. may have spears and shields for +1. light armour option. cheaper.
Skeleton cavalry: come with bows, may swap to spears. fast cav, cheaper.
Skeleton light chariots: core now.
Tomb swarms: 3w, 3a undead swarms. 25pts, m5. can be given 10" flight and/or poison.
Tomb guard: cheaper.

Tomb scorpion: new construct rules. new killing blow/poison rules. can be upgraded to count as a lesser priest.
Ushabti: new construct rules. s5 with halberds, and other equipment/command options. cheaper.
Carrion: cheaper. a big one called a rock.
Heavy cavalry: same as core cav, with +1ws, light armour, shield, and spear. may swap shield and spear for flail. cheaper.
Heavy chariot: proper chariot.
Desert stalkers: skellies with two handweapons or bows, and poison. may scout or upgrade to icfb. robes.
Godblooded: new elite (better than tg). greatweapons. bonuses based on chosen god - sun god acts like mark of nurgle. animal death masks.

Bone giant: new construct rules. +1ws. equipment options. cheaper. may count as a banner.
Catapult: multiple ammunition types - burning skull, screaming skull, swarming skull, weeping skull.
Casket: different "modes". boosts priest's incantations.
The embalmed: mummies. no crumble. t5, regen, 2w.
Tomb sphynx: desert spirit/construct. moves as ethereal. better stats than scorpion. may icfb when on the field. base-contact template sandstorm.

e poi:

Altre notizie sempre da Warseer:
-ci sono sicuramente almeno già 4 sprue in plastica nuovi per i TK (scheletri egizianeggianti, guardie del sepolcro con opzioni, Gigante con opzioni, e SSC che non ho idea di cosa siano)
-nonostante probabilmente la magia dei TK verrà molto cambiata rispetto l'attuale, sembra che il numero dei Sacerdoti/preti liche sia molto grande, addiritura si vocifera che sia possibile metterne uno per ogni unità per fare da supporto ad un basso prezzo.

mi sa moooolto di sogni piu' ke di rumors....

Messaggi : 273
Data d'iscrizione : 07.02.10
Età : 36
Località : Crevalcore(BO)

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Rumors Re dei Sepolcri Empty Re: Rumors Re dei Sepolcri

Messaggio Da Beorg Mer Mag 26, 2010 5:42 am

E' da tanto che si vocifera ti TK e Ogre, verranno ben fuori prima o poi.

Messaggi : 3451
Data d'iscrizione : 06.02.10
Età : 46
Località : Terra Nascosta

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